
Proposal for Faculty Senate and Assembly

Table of contents

We have divided the proposed changes into 5 sections for clarity. For comparison, here are the current Faculty Council Bylaws and here is the current Faculty Handbook.

In our proposal, we strike the entirety of Section 5 of the Handbook (the current Faculty Council bylaws) and replace it; see the new sections 5.1 and 5.2 below. We also include a series of minor changes to in sections 6 through 18, and an amendment to Section 19. Separately, but part of the overall package, we include 5 additional Faculty Council resolutions that cover statements of intent and transitional measures.

For an explanation of any of these provisions, see the framework, the "frequently asked questions" page, or contact a member of the taskforce.

Section 5.1 - Faculty Assembly Bylaws

5.1 Marymount University Faculty Assembly Bylaws

5.1.1 Composition of Faculty Assembly

The following individuals are the “members” of Faculty Assembly: full-time teaching faculty and full-time faculty of Library and Learning Services, and all other full-time Marymount University employees who have academic rank.

Members who are on sabbatical or on leaves of absence for any reason are considered "inactive" and not counted in procedural matters (for example, quorum or voting). Members who are on sabbatical or on leaves of absence and who make written notification to the Secretary of Faculty Assembly that they should be retained on the roll of active members of Faculty Assembly for the duration of their sabbatical or leave shall be active members of Faculty Council and counted in procedural matters.

Full-time administrators without academic rank whose offices deal preponderantly with academic affairs and/or whose responsibilities routinely involve data of vital interest and importance to the decision-making functions of Faculty Assembly may attend meetings unless otherwise instructed by the presiding chair. Full-time administrators who are not members of Faculty Assembly may serve as voting members of Faculty Assembly committees if so provided in these bylaws.

The President of the University, as the chief executive officer of the University, may participate ex officio and on a nonvoting basis in any meetings of Faculty Assembly.

5.1.2 Officers of Faculty Assembly Officer Eligibility
The officers of Faculty Assembly shall be a President, a President-Elect, and a Secretary. Only full-time teaching faculty and full-time faculty of Library and Learning Services are eligible to hold office; administrators who are members of Faculty Assembly are not eligible to hold office but are eligible to vote on these positions. The term of office for each officer is one year or until a successor is elected. From the date of the first election, no faculty member shall hold the same office of Faculty Assembly for more than two successive years or more than three years out of five. Any member of Faculty Assembly is eligible to serve as an officer. Duties
The President, the President-Elect, and the Secretary of Faculty Assembly shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by Faculty Assembly, with the President acting as presiding officer. The President shall attend Faculty Senate meetings as a non-voting member. The Secretary shall be responsible for:

One week in advance, preparation and distribution of the regular meeting agenda.

Distribution of the official minutes of each Faculty Assembly meeting prior to the next regular meeting.

Maintenance of Faculty Assembly minutes in the Office of the Provost.

5.1.3 Function and Duties of Faculty Assembly

Faculty Assembly may propose policies related to curriculum (content and manner of teaching) and maintenance of academic standards. Faculty Assembly may review and evaluate academic policies and to make policy recommendations to the President of the University through the Provost regarding academic policies. Such academic policies include, but are not limited to, the following: curriculum and academic objectives of the University; academic planning; teaching methods; grading; matriculation standards; admission and readmission standards; retention (continuation and dismissal); graduation; enrollment levels; faculty hiring, promotion, retention, and tenure; faculty evaluation and development; research projects; scholarships/awards/honors; selection of new administrators; library and learning resources; student services; and planning the instructional budget.

Faculty Assembly may participate in planning the University’s instructional budget and in evaluating learning and student support services. Faculty Assembly has primary responsibility for overseeing all faculty personnel policies and institutional policies and benefits relating to faculty. Faculty Assembly may make recommendations to the President of the University through the Provost relating to faculty personnel policies and to institutional policies and benefits relating to faculty.

5.1.4 Procedures of Faculty Assembly Regular and Special Meetings; Quorum Defined.
Faculty Assembly shall meet at least one time per semester, fall and spring. Special ad hoc meetings may be called by its President, by the Speaker of Faculty Senate, by a majority of Faculty Senate, by a petition of any ten Assembly members, or by any other measure that the majority of active members of the Assembly may choose. Ad hoc meetings may be either during the regular academic year or during the summer. A quorum for meetings of Faculty Assembly consists of a majority of the active members of Faculty Assembly. Procedures for Making Recommendations Regarding Academic Policies, Faculty Personnel Policies, and Institutional Policies and Benefits.
All recommendations regarding the areas of policy set forth in
Section 5.1.3 of these bylaws shall require approval by a two thirds vote of active members. Within five days after a meeting at which Faculty Assembly makes recommendations, the President of Faculty Assembly shall communicate the recommendations to the President of the University, who shall respond to such recommendations within 4 weeks. The response of the President of the University shall be in writing and include a rationale for those recommendations which are rejected. Appeals to the Board of Trustees.
In the event that the President of the University rejects a recommendation of the Faculty
Assembly, Faculty Assembly may appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Such appeals must be approved by a three-fourths vote of the active members of Faculty Assembly and must be voted upon by secret ballot. Immediately after a meeting at which the Faculty Assembly approves an appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, the President of Faculty Assembly shall communicate the appeal to the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Reports to the Board of Trustees.
Assembly may have direct access to the Board of Trustees, at the discretion of the Board, in the following manner. In the event that an issue is deemed to be of sufficient importance, the President of Faculty Assembly shall forward directly a report to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Such a report shall require approval by two-thirds of the active members of Faculty Assembly and will be subject to the final decision of the Board of Trustees.

5.1.5 Standing Faculty Committees

Any standing committee may make a report to faculty assembly. To make a report, the chair of the committee must submit a request for inclusion on the Faculty Assembly agenda to the Secretary of Faculty Assembly at least five days prior to a scheduled Faculty Assembly meeting. The Secretary shall distribute to Faculty Assembly members at least two days prior to a scheduled Faculty Senate meeting copies of proposals on which committees desire Faculty Assembly action.

The President of Faculty Assembly may request a report from any standing committee.

5.1.6. Faculty Representatives to Board of Trustees Committees and University Committees

A faculty representative, elected by Faculty Assembly for a term lasting no longer than 5 years, shall serve on each of the committees of the Board of Trustees that includes faculty representatives. Such representatives shall be full voting members of the respective Board of Trustees committees.

Faculty Representatives, elected by Faculty Assembly, shall serve on the following University Committees: University Strategic Planning Committee, Retention Committee, University Technology Committee, University Budget Committee, and other University committees created by the President that deal with academic matters. For each of these committees, Faculty Assembly shall recommend to the President of the University the number, the length of terms, and the method of election for the faculty representatives.

5.1.7 Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Faculty Assembly in all cases in which the rules are applicable and in which the rules are not inconsistent with these bylaws and with any special rules of order that Faculty Assembly may adopt.

5.1.8 Amendment

The "bylaws" of Faculty Assembly consist solely of the provisions in section 5.1.

Proposed changes to Faculty Assembly bylaws must be made available to the entire Faculty Assembly at least one week prior to an Assembly meeting. Proposed amendments must be adopted by a majority of the active members of Faculty Assembly. The President of Faculty Assembly shall communicate any proposed amendments to the President of the University within five days of the meeting at which they were adopted. All amendments shall take effect at the next regular meeting unless the amendment is rejected in writing by the President of the University not less than two days before the next regular meeting. In case the President of the University rejects an amendment of the bylaws, Faculty Assembly may appeal to the Board of Trustees.

Section 5.2 - Faculty Senate Bylaws

5.2 Marymount University Faculty Senate Bylaws

5.2.1 Composition of Faculty Senate Enumeration
By March 15, the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs shall notify the Faculty Senate of the number of full-time faculty, defined as members of Faculty Assembly, in each School and Library and Learning Services in the current semester. This enumeration shall include all such members currently serving full-time, and also all members who have been on unpaid leave or sabbatical for one year or less. Each School and Library and Learning Services shall then be allocated, for representation on the Faculty Senate during the next academic year, 1 seat if the number of full-time faculty is 10 or fewer, 2 seats if the number of full-time faculty is 11 through 20, 3 seats if the number of full-time faculty is 21 through 30, 4 seats if the number of full-time faculty is 31 through 40, and so on, with 1 seat for every 10 full-time faculty, rounding up to the nearest whole number. Eligibility
Any member of Faculty Assembly is eligible to serve as a member of the Senate. Election
By April 15, the full-time faculty of each School and Library and Learning Services shall elect a Senator for each Senate seat that will become vacant at the end of the current semester. In the event that a Senate seat becomes vacant during a term, the School or Library and Learning Services may hold a special election to fill it. In any election, within a School or Library and Learning Services, when there are more nominees than seats, election for all open seats shall occur simultaneously by ranked-choice vote. Additional members if necessary
Faculty Senate shall have, as members, at least two tenure-track faculty, defined as instructional faculty on a tenure track who have not been granted tenure. If, following the election outlined in the previous section, there are no tenure-track faculty members with Senate seats in the upcoming term, Faculty Senate shall organize the election of two additional tenure-track faculty members to serve, to be voted on by ranked choice vote by the tenure-track teaching faculty in the University. If, following the election outlined in the previous section, there is one tenure-track faculty member with a Senate seat in the upcoming term, Faculty Senate shall organize the election of one additional tenure-track faculty member to serve, to be voted on by the tenure-track teaching faculty in the University.

Faculty Senate shall have, as a member, at least one non-tenure-track teaching faculty, defined as instructional faculty without tenure and not on a tenure track. If, following the election outlined in the previous section, no such faculty member holds a Senate seat for the upcoming term, Faculty Senate shall organize the election of one non-tenure-track teaching faculty to serve, to be voted on by the non-tenure-track teaching faculty in the University.

Any such additional elections described in this section shall occur by May 15. Term
The elected term as a member of the Senate shall be two years, beginning the week after the end of the spring semester.

5.2.2 Officers of Faculty Senate Officer Eligibility
The officers of Faculty Senate shall be a Speaker and a Secretary. The term of office for each officer is one year or until a successor is elected. From the date of the first election, no faculty member shall hold the same office of Faculty Senate for more than two successive years or more than three years out of five. Any member of Faculty Senate is eligible to serve as an officer. Duties
The Speaker and the Secretary of Faculty Senate shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by Faculty Senate, with the Speaker or the Speaker's designee acting as presiding officer. In addition, the Secretary shall also be responsible for:

One week in advance, preparation and distribution of the regular meeting agenda.

Distribution of the official minutes of each Faculty Senate meeting prior to the next regular meeting.

Maintenance of these and of Faculty Senate committee minutes in the Office of the Provost. Selection Procedure
Faculty Senate shall elect officers at the first meeting after the week following the end of the spring semester, or whenever there is a vacancy in an office.

5.2.3 Function and Duties of Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate has primary responsibility for proposing policies related to curriculum (content and manner of teaching) and maintenance of academic standards. Faculty Senate has the responsibility to review and evaluate academic policies and to make policy recommendations to the President of the University through the Provost regarding academic policies. Such academic policies include, but are not limited to, the following: curriculum and academic objectives of the University; academic planning; teaching methods; grading; matriculation standards; admission and readmission standards; retention (continuation and dismissal); graduation; enrollment levels; faculty hiring, promotion, retention, and tenure; faculty evaluation and development; research projects; scholarships/awards/honors; selection of new administrators; library and learning resources; student services; and planning the instructional budget.

Faculty Senate shall participate in planning the University’s instructional budget and in evaluating learning and student support services. Faculty Senate has primary responsibility for overseeing all faculty personnel policies and institutional policies and benefits relating to faculty. Faculty Senate shall make recommendations to the President of the University through the Provost relating to faculty personnel policies and to institutional policies and benefits relating to faculty.

5.2.4 Procedures of Faculty Senate Regular and Special Meetings; Quorum Defined.
Faculty Senate shall meet at least four times per semester (fall and spring). Special ad hoc meetings may be called by its Speaker either during the regular academic year or during the summer. A quorum for meetings of Faculty Senate consists of a majority of the members of Faculty Senate. All Faculty Senate meetings shall be open to any member of Faculty Assembly. Officers of Faculty Assembly are expected to attend. Procedures for Making Recommendations Regarding Academic Policies, Faculty Personnel Policies, and Institutional Policies and Benefits.
All recommendations regarding the areas of policy set forth in
Section 5.2.3 of these bylaws shall require approval by a two thirds vote. Within five days after a meeting at which Faculty Senate makes recommendations, the President of the Faculty Assembly shall communicate the recommendations to the President of the University, who shall respond to such recommendations within 4 weeks. The response of the President of the University shall be in writing and include a rationale for those recommendations which are rejected. Appeals to the Board of Trustees.
In the event that the President of the University rejects a recommendation of the Faculty
Senate, Faculty Senate may appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Such appeals must be approved by a three-fourths vote of the members of Faculty Senate and must be voted upon by secret ballot. Immediately after a meeting at which the Faculty Senate approves an appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, the President of the Faculty Assembly shall communicate the appeal to the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Reports to the Board of Trustees.
Senate may have direct access to the Board of Trustees, at the discretion of the Board, in the following manner. In the event that an issue is deemed to be of sufficient importance, a report with the approval of two-thirds of the members of Faculty Senate shall be delivered by the President of Faculty Assembly to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Any action will be subject to the final decision of the Board of Trustees.

5.2.5 Standing Faculty Committees, Responsibilities, Meetings, and Committee Descriptions Committee Responsibilities.
Each standing committee shall elect a chair, except for the Faculty Leadership Committee. Chairs shall have the following

      • Submitting approved minutes with a record of attendance to the Secretary of Faculty Senate, who shall maintain a central record of all Faculty Senate and Faculty Committee minutes in the office of the Provost.

      • Submitting its requests for inclusion on the Faculty Senate agenda to the Secretary of Faculty Senate at least five days prior to a scheduled Faculty Senate meeting. The Secretary shall distribute to Faculty Senate members at least two days prior to a scheduled Faculty Senate meeting copies of proposals on which committees desire Faculty Senate action.

      • Attending any Faculty Senate meeting at the request of the Speaker of Faculty Senate. Meetings of Standing Committees
Regular meetings shall be scheduled by the University in the academic decision-making calendar to avoid teaching conflicts among committee members. Any special committee meetings shall not be scheduled in conflict with any committee members’ officially scheduled teaching duties or meetings of other committees to which members belong. Special meetings of committees shall be called under any of the following conditions: upon a written request addressed to the chair of the committee by a majority of the members of the Faculty Senate or by the Speaker of the Faculty Senate, upon a written request addressed to the chair of the committee by the dean of a college based on the majority vote of the full-time faculty in the college, upon a majority vote of the members of the committee, or upon request of the chair of the committee. No proxy voting shall be permitted in the committees. Standing Committees Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee

The committee shall consist of the Associate Vice President for
Enrollment Management or his/her designee, the Provost or his/her designee, one full time faculty member elected from each of the Schools and Library and Learning Services, the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee, and the Director of International Student Services or his/her designee. Non-voting committee members include two representatives from the student body (appointed by the Student Government Association), the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning or his/her designee, and the Registrar. Elected faculty serve a three-year term. The Chair of the committee will be elected from among the faculty representatives at the first meeting of the academic year.

Function and Duties.
The goal of the committee is to ensure academic
excellence by implementing, reviewing, and evaluating undergraduate policies and to recommend to Faculty Senate undergraduate admissions criteria that will attract, retain, and graduate high caliber students. In particular, the Committee shall:
(1) Review undergraduate appeals from dismissed students applying for readmission. (Student members of the committee will not participate in meetings at which appeals or special requests by students are considered.)
(2) Make regular reports to the Faculty Senate.
(3) Review all undergraduate borderline applications and recommend appropriate action to the Office of Admissions.
(4) Review and recommend policies pertaining to undergraduate admissions, graduations, probations, dismissals, and progression to the Faculty Senate.
(5) Implement policies pertaining to undergraduate admissions, graduations, probations, dismissals, and progression.

The Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee will consult with the following offices where appropriate: Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions Offices, Graduate Studies Committee, and Student Development. Undergraduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee

The voting members shall be one full-time faculty member elected from each of the Schools and Library and Learning Services. The Committee shall elect its chair. Non-voting members will include one student from the Student Government Association, a designee from the Provost’s office, and a designee from the Registrar’s office. In addition, five non-voting members shall advise the Committee in the review of proposals concerning the Liberal Arts Core, university requirements and designations, and distance learning. These advisors are made up of the Director of the Liberal Arts Core, the Faculty Coordinator of Service Learning, and a representative from each of the following committees: Writing, Inquiry, and Quality Matters.

The Undergraduate Curriculum and Instruction Committee shall establish and oversee three standing advisory committees: The writing committee, the Inquiry Committee, and the Liberal Arts Core Committee.

Function and Duties.

(1) Review and evaluate undergraduate curricular proposals in terms of academic objectives of the University with the purpose of maintaining and improving the quality of the curriculum.
(2) Review and evaluate proposed undergraduate programs and courses and significant changes to existing undergraduate programs and courses, especially in the areas of prerequisites, course description and objectives, and instructional design; and to make recommendations for changes, deletions, or improvements of such to the Faculty Senate.
(3) Review and evaluate proposals to include delete or modify courses fulfilling core and University requirements, on a semi-annual basis with assistance of the non-voting advisory members.
(4) Make regular reports to Faculty Senate including a specific enumeration of program/course/core actions and provide written notification to the Academic Policy, Budget & Planning committee.
(5) Provide Faculty Senate and the Academic Policy, Budget & Planning committee with a complete list of the program/course/core actions that have been approved for inclusion in the next academic catalog each February. Academic Policy, Budget and Planning Committee

The members shall be two faculty members from each of the Schools and from Library and Learning Services; the academic deans; and the Provost, the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies [as a nonvoting member] and the Associate Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness [as a nonvoting member]. Elected faculty serve a renewable two year term. The Provost shall serve as chairman of the committee and is responsible for providing administrative support for the committee.

Function and Duties

(1) To propose recommendations on the academic strategic plan to Faculty Senate, including:

(a) Identifying the priorities, assumptions, criteria, and processes for designing the academic strategic plan of the University.

(b) Reviewing and evaluating the academic strategic plans from each major academic unit.

(c) Formulating a comprehensive academic strategic plan and reconciling that plan with University-wide strategic planning priorities.

(d) Identifying policies and budgetary priorities for implementing the academic strategic plan.

(e) Monitoring the implementation of the academic strategic plan.

(2) To review the academic budget of the University, in the context of academic planning, and proposing recommendations to the Faculty Senate.

Relationship to University Committees

(1) One faculty member on the committee shall act as liaison to the University Budget Committee and one faculty member shall act as liaison to the University Strategic Planning Committee.

(2) Recommendations on the annual academic budget and changes to the academic strategic planning shall be presented to Faculty Senate for approval.

(3) Recommendations approved by Faculty Senate shall be presented to the appropriate committee, University Budget or University Strategic Planning, and the President.

(4) Faculty liaison members of the committee shall report on the status and progress of APBP recommendations to the University Committees and the President and shall report outcomes back to APBP. Faculty Employment and Benefits Committee

The members shall be one faculty member elected from each of the Schools and Library and Learning Services, a dean, or the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, or the Provost. Members shall serve for a renewable term of two years and the committee shall stagger membership. The Provost’s office shall provide administrative support for maintaining a current and accurate Faculty Handbook.

Function and Duties

(1) To review and propose recommendations to Faculty Senate regarding all terms and conditions of faculty employment, including:

(a) Recruitment, Appointment and Re-Appointment

(b) Compensation

(c) Benefits

(d) Promotion and Tenure

(e) All other policies affecting faculty included in the Faculty Handbook and/or Marymount University Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.

(2) To maintain a current and accurate Faculty Handbook, including all recommendations approved by Faculty Assembly, and the President and all actions implemented by the University Benefits Committee.

Relationship to University Committees

(1) One faculty member on the committee shall serve as liaison to the University Benefits Committee.

(2) Recommendations from the University Benefits Committee affecting faculty, including but not limited to working conditions and/or benefits, shall be presented to Faculty Senate by the Faculty Employment and Benefits committee for approval.

(3) Recommendations on benefits approved by Faculty Senate shall be presented to the University Benefits Committee. Other policies and recommendations will be communicated to the President of the University by the President of Faculty Senate.

(4) The Faculty liaison shall report the status and progress of recommendations to the President and the University Benefits Committee and shall report outcomes back to the Faculty Employment and Benefits Committee. Academic Instructional Resources Committee

Composition: The members shall be one full-time faculty member elected from each of the Schools; one full-time faculty member elected from Library and Learning Services; the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning or their designee; and one member from Information Technology Services; and one student appointed by the Student Government Association. One elected faculty member shall sit on both the Academic Instructional Resources Committee and the University Technology Committee. The Committee shall elect its chair and secretary.

Function and Duties:

(1) Meet once a month during regular semesters for the evaluation of selected academic instructional learning services within the university. Academic instructional services include, but are not limited to, instructional resources in the Library and Learning Services and the Center for Teaching and Learning, academic tools and technology, classroom and lab facilities, and other equipment and furniture.

(2) Make recommendations to University Schools and Faculty Senate on the development, use, and/or revision of instructional learning services.

(3) Review all capital purchasing requests for academic instructional resources from all academic units and make budget recommendations to the University Technology Committee on academic instructional resources.

(4) Develop policy and procedure to monitor purchasing and using academic instructional resources.

(5) Make regular reports to Schools, Faculty Senate, and the University Technology Committee.

Relationship to University Committees:

(1) One faculty member on the committee shall act as a liaison with the University Technology Committee.

(2) Recommendations regarding academic instructional learning services approved by the Committee or Faculty Senate shall be presented to the University Technology Committee and all other appropriate University Committees. Rank and Tenure Committee

Composition. The members shall be two tenured faculty representatives at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor elected from each of the Schools and one faculty representative at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor elected from Library and Learning Services. Elected faculty serve a three-year term. The committee shall elect a chairman and a secretary. Faculty members are not eligible for committee membership during the school year in which they apply for advancement in rank.

Function and Duties

(1) Determine eligibility for advancement in rank and awarding of tenure and to consider the merits of each application according to the criteria described in the University’s Faculty Handbook.

(2) Make recommendations to the President as to advancement in rank and awarding of tenure consistent with the University’s Faculty Handbook.

(3) Make reports of its actions to the Faculty Senate. Graduate Studies Committee

Composition. The members shall be two full-time faculty members elected from each school whose workload includes graduate teaching and advising; one full-time faculty member elected by Library and Learning Services; the Provost or his/her designee. Nonvoting members will include the Director of Distance Education and Instructional Design or his/her designee; one graduate student selected by the Graduate Student council; and the Registrar as an ex officio member. Elected faculty serve a three-year term. The Committee shall elect its chair.

Function and Duties. Graduate Studies Committee is responsible for making recommendations regarding policies for graduate student admissions, performance, and completion requirements; graduate curricula; graduate assistantships; qualifications of faculty teaching at the graduate level; and graduate student life. In particular, the committee shall:

(1) Review, establish and evaluate policies pertaining to graduate admissions, matriculation, grading, graduation, continuation, dismissal, and readmission.

(2) Review and evaluate the academic goals of the University and the graduate curricula in terms of those goals for the purpose of maintaining and improving excellence in the curriculum, including making recommendations for approval of new graduate curriculum, programs and courses.

(3) Recommend policies pertaining to qualifications and responsibilities of faculty with graduate workload responsibilities.

(4) Make policy recommendations related to graduate assistantships

(5) Recommend resources, academic support and student services for graduate students

(6) Consult with other Faculty committees, University committees, departments, and offices.

(7) Make regular reports to the Faculty Senate.

Relationship to University Committees:

(1) One faculty member on the committee shall act as liaison to the University Student Retention Committee.

(2) Recommendations on student retention approved by Faculty Senate shall be presented to the University Student Retention Committee and the President.

(3) The faculty liaison member of the committee shall report on the status and progress of recommendations to the University Student Retention Committee and the President and shall report outcomes back to Graduate Studies Committee. Faculty Development Committee

Composition. The members shall be the Provost or his/her designee and the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence as nonvoting members, and one full time faculty member elected from each of the Schools and Library and Learning Services. Faculty members will serve for a two-year term and can be re-elected to the Committee for subsequent terms. To be eligible to serve on the Committee, a faculty member should hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.

Functions and Duties. The Faculty Development Committee is responsible for encouraging the scholarly growth of the Faculty. The Committee will assist the Faculty in assuring that appropriate resources be provided for ongoing faculty development. It is responsible for designing and implementing components of a University faculty development program. In particular, the Committee shall:

(1) Make recommendations to the Provost detailing specific schedules and content for faculty development programs.

(2) Solicit, review applications for faculty development grants and submit written recommendations for the Provost.

(3) Make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding policies or programs related to faculty development.

(4) Make recommendations to the Provost and/or the Academic Policy, Budget and Planning Committee regarding academic budget needs and financial support for faculty development programs.

(5) Make reports to the Faculty Senate. Faculty Leadership Committee

Composition. The members shall be the Faculty Senate Officers and the Faculty Assembly Officers, and one full time faculty member from each College and Library and Learning Services not otherwise represented. All members will serve a renewable one-year term. The President of Faculty Assembly shall serve as chair of the committee.

Function and Duties. The Committee will provide a conduit between the Faculty and the University President and Provost. This communication will allow the University President, Provost, and the Committee to explore how shared governance can best be practiced. In particular, the Committee shall:

(1) Publish the dates, times, and locations of all standing committee meetings.

(2) Convey planned activity for the year of each of the standing committees to the University President and Provost.

(3) Make recommendations to the Faculty Senate and Assembly.

(4) Make reports to the Faculty Senate and Assembly.

Meetings. The Committee will meet prior to each Faculty Assembly meetings and when called by either the Speaker of Faculty Senate or the President of Faculty Assembly. The Committee will also meet on an as needed basis with the Chairs of the Standing Committees.

5.2.6 Board of Trustees Committees and University Committees

Faculty Representatives serving on Board of Trustees Committees and University Committees shall attend Senate meetings when invited by the Speaker of Faculty Senate, and shall deliver reports to Faculty Senate when requested by the Speaker of Faculty Senate.

5.2.7 Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Faculty Senate in all cases in which the rules are applicable and in which the rules are not inconsistent with these bylaws and with any special rules of order that Faculty Senate may adopt.

5.2.8 Amendment

The "bylaws" of Faculty Senate consist solely of the provisions in section 5.2.

Proposed changes to Faculty Senate bylaws must be made available to the entire Faculty Senate at least one week prior to a Senate meeting. Proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the members of Faculty Senate. Proposed amendments approved by the Senate must be made available to the Faculty Assembly at least one week prior to an Assembly meeting. Proposed amendments must be adopted by a majority of the members present at a meeting of the Faculty Assembly. The Speaker of Faculty Senate shall communicate any proposed amendments to the President of the University within five days of the meeting at which they were adopted. All amendments shall take effect at the next regular meeting unless the amendment is rejected in writing by the President of the University not less than two days before the next regular meeting. In case the President of the University rejects an amendment of the bylaws, Faculty Senate may appeal to the Board of Trustees.

Changes to Sections 6 through 18

  • In section 6.3, second paragraph, replace "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Assembly"

  • In section 10.4.1, last paragraph, replace "faculty council" with "Faculty Senate"

  • In section 12.2, first paragraph, replace "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Senate"

  • In section 12.2, second paragraph, replace "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Senate"

  • In section 13.3.1, sixth bullet point, replace "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Assembly"

  • In section, replace "Serving in a leadership position on a major task-force, committee, or Faculty Council, or as a department chair or program director" with "Serving in a leadership position on a major task-force, committee, Faculty Senate, or Faculty Council, or as a department chair, program director, or member of Faculty Senate"

  • In section 14.2.2, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 14.3.1, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 14.3.2, replace each of the two instances of "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 14.4.2, replace each of the four instances of "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 14.4.3, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 15.1, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 15.2, second bullet point, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 15.2, second bullet point, replace "faculty council" with "Faculty Assembly"

  • In section 15.2, third bullet point, replace "Faculty Council Rank and Tenure Committee" with "University Rank and Tenure Committee"

  • In section 17.1, third paragraph, replace each of the three instances of "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Assembly"

  • In section 18, strike out the first paragraph:

"The Faculty Employment and Benefits Committee will review and recommend changes regarding the Faculty Handbook to Faculty Council. All recommendations for changes to the Faculty Handbook must be made available to the entire Faculty Council one week prior to school meetings. Final recommendations for changes must be posted two weeks prior to the Faculty Council meeting when the vote will take place. All changes must be approved by Faculty Council under the procedures as outlined in IV.B of the Faculty Council Bylaws. The provost will present these changes to the president and board of trustees for final approval."

and replace it with:

"The Faculty Employment and Benefits Committee will review and recommend changes regarding the Faculty Handbook to Faculty Senate. All recommendations for changes to the Faculty Handbook must be made available to the entire Faculty Senate at least one week prior to a Senate meeting. The Senate shall vote on an advisory recommendation and then forward the proposal to Faculty Assembly. Final recommendations for changes must be posted two weeks prior to the Faculty Assembly meeting when the vote will take place. All changes must be approved by two-thirds of Faculty Assembly under the procedures as outlined in the Faculty Assembly Bylaws. The provost will present these changes to the president and board of trustees for final approval."

  • In section 18, second paragraph, replace "Faculty Council" with "Faculty Senate"

Addition to Section 19

  • Add a new paragraph at the end of section 19:

The Faculty, the President, and the Board of Trustees recognize that Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly are the successors of Faculty Council, and inherit the rights of Faculty Council as outlined in this Settlement Agreement. All references to "Faculty Council" in the Settlement Agreement shall be interpreted as applying to Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly. Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly shall have direct access to the Board of Trustees under the conditions outlined in Faculty Handbook, as revised.

Related Resolutions

  1. The changes to the handbook, and these five additional transitional resolutions, shall be construed as a single proposal. If any part of the proposal, including these transitional measures, are rejected in any form, then the entire proposal is considered rejected.

  2. If approved, the changes to the Handbook take effect on July 1, 2021. It is the intent of Faculty Council that the current framework for selecting the officers of Faculty Council remain in place through the transition to a new system, so that Faculty Council at a regular spring 2021 meeting will select the officers of Faculty Assembly. Schools shall hold elections for Senators in spring 2021.

  3. It is the sense of the faculty that service as a member of the Faculty Senate constitutes major faculty service; faculty members serving as Senators should therefore not ordinarily be expected to serve on other committees or in other administrative roles.

  4. During the transitional year - academic year 2021-22 - Faculty Assembly shall meet at least twice per semester, for at least four meetings in all. Faculty Assembly may hold further additional meetings, following the procedures laid out in the new bylaws.

  5. The Faculty, the President, and the Board of Trustees recognize that Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly are the successors of Faculty Council, and inherit the rights of Faculty Council as outlined in this Settlement Agreement. All references to "Faculty Council" in the Settlement Agreement shall be interpreted as applying to Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly. Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly shall have direct access to the Board of Trustees under the conditions outlined in Faculty Handbook, as revised.